
Directlyrics API

Do you have your own website? Directlyrics offers two lyrics related products which allows you get unique content for your website which increases engagement and pageviews.

Lyrics Charts

Integrate the latest lyrics charts quickly and easy. Utilize our API to get the latest Spotify, Billboard or iTunes music charts.

Highly customizable to what you want to display, returning either raw data (json) or straight up HTML. Several music blogs leverage our API to be able to always show the most recent charts on their blog without any additional work.

Lyrics Embed

Want to display lyrics on your website without having to worry about licensing? Leverage the Directlyric worldwide lyrics license to integrate lyrics directly on your property.

We offer a dashboard to quickly get the right HTML tags to embed any of our 100,000+ lyrics. The lyrics embed is highly customizable and can be fine-tuned to become a seamless integration. We take care of licensing while you are able to leverage having lyrics on your website. Our lyrics embed product works on any CMS like WordPress.

Get Access

Request an API key to get started by sending an email to: yvo at directlyrics dot com.

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Focused on bringing you the latest pop news and lyrics ‐ Project by Ymedia Ventures BV.