
JoJo - Hollywood (New Song!)

Here's some new JoJo music for y'all - This track entitled "Hollywood" surfaced online moments ago - Maaaajor! Stunning ballad right here - JoJo slayed in every possible way - I was actually expecting something more upbeat pop-ish without much depth in the lyrics, all from the title, but it was the contrary. This cut is a powerful ballad with a personal meaning to JoJo - I deduce - where she sings about the ups and downs/the positive and negative of the glamorous Hollywood. JoJo's vocals were beyond blazing hot. "Hollywood" could be an unreleased track from a previous 'era' but it so sounds new to me. Could it reflect what JoJo will deliver on her upcoming studio album "All I Want Is Everything"?. Only time will tell.

By on December 26, 2010
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